Gay hentai manga

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Yaoi is designed to be a guilty pleasure and there are many things that would be unacceptable in real relationships depicted in this form. They have serious story lines and are less “fantasy like” elements. If you want a more realistic depiction, you need to move out of the realm of yaoi, yuri, shouji-ai, shoujo-ai and look at more mature forms of manga. It’s just a form of art and storytelling.

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What are the disadvantages of reading YAOI manga (gay sexual)? Although yaoi is primarily aimed at a female audience, the genre also attracts some male readers, however, Bara, manga aimed at a gay male audience, is considered a separate genre. Yaoi, also known as Boys' Love (BL), is a Japanese genre of fictional media focusing on homoerotic romantic or sexual relationships between male characters, aimed at a female audience and usually created by female authors.

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